Emphasis: This class invites you to explore the flexibility of your spine with some deeper backbends. If you have any back problems please practice the Gentle Backbend Flow instead.
Props needed: 2 blocks and a blanket for Savasana if required.
Mat Direction: Short edge of mat facing the screen.
Emphasis: 1 Sun Salutation followed by a sequence of standing and sitting poses that will open the hips and deeply stretch the quads (fronts of thighs). Please note: this class is not suitable for you if you have delicate knees. You can adapt the poses using a belt looped around your foot and pad the knee with a blanket but please take care of your knees and make sure you are warmed-up before beginning this class.
Props needed: You might need a belt to catch your foot, blocks to put under your hand and a blanket for padding.
Emphasis: Kneeling and standing lunges (Anjaneyasana and Virabhadrasana 1) Eagle pose (Garudasana) and Stomach Twist (Jathara Parivartanasana) with an added extra stretch.
Props needed: You might need a belt for the final stretch and a blanket for Savasana if required.
Emphasis: Enjoy a good whole-body stretch in these poses which are done kneeling on the floor. Please note this class might not be suitable if you have delicate knees.
Props needed: Blanket for padding under the knees and for Savasana if required.