Timetable for Zoom and In-person Classes

I teach a mixture of live online Zoom classes that you can do in the comfort of your own home, and in-person classes which are held at the Reading Room in Fetcham (Cobham Road, Fetcham, Surrey KT22 9RU):


Mondays 6.00-7.00pm via Zoom - this is a gentle class and proceeds are donated to spay and neuter projects for stray dogs and cats abroad

Mondays 7.30-8.45pm via Zoom - 'Slow Flow' class 

Tuesdays 1.15-2.30pm in-person at the Reading Room - 'Slow Flow' class

Tuesdays 6.00-7.15pm in-person at the Reading Room - 'Slow Flow' class

Tuesdays 7.45-9.00pm in-person at the Reading Room - 'Slow Flow' class

Thursdays 6.00-7.15pm in-person at the Reading Room - 'Slow Flow' class


The next half-term block of 'in-person' classes starts on Tuesday 24th February 2024 and runs for 6 weeks, up to and including Thursday 3rd April 2025 - cost £72.00 (6 x £12).

The next half-term block of Zoom classes starts on Monday 23rd February 2024 and runs for 6 weeks, up to and including Monday 31st March 2024 - cost £54.00 (6 x £9).

If you'd like to be a weekly participant in these classes please send me a message via the contact form at the bottom of the page and I'll send you more details.

There are a small number of 'drop-in' spaces at the in-person classes, subject to availability, which get added to the 'Shop' on a weekly basis if you'd prefer to pay-as-you-go.



 Outside The Reading Room


 Inside The Reading Room