Welcome to the on-demand video library - over 400 classes for you to do at your convenience for the price of just £15 a month.
New classes are added each month and you can also use the 'Class Finder' to choose a class according to Style, Duration or Focus.
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Click here for HATHA YOGA CLASSESThe pace is slow and steady with no Sun Salutations with lots of instruction and time to check your alignment. |
Click here for VINYASA FLOW CLASSES The pace is a little faster and more dynamic. These classes are sequenced using Sun Salutations and often include some more challenging postures. |
Click here for PRANAYAMA AND MEDITATIONThese classes offer guided practices to help you slow down, breathe more deeply and quieten the thoughts so you feel clearer, calmer and more relaxed. |
Before taking a class it is important that you read the disclaimer and the tips below to get the most benefit from your class:
Make sure you have a clear space around your mat and are wearing stretchy, comfortable clothes so you can move easily.
Move within your range of movement, never forcing or straining. This is really important. Remember, you are trying to create ease and freedom within your body – it’s not a competition.
Don’t practice if you are feeling unwell or have an injury and consult your doctor before starting if you have a medical condition or are pregnant.
Make sure to leave at least 1.5 hours between eating a meal and practising yoga. Doing any exercise on a full stomach is not good for your digestion and might make you feel uncomfortable or nauseous.
Breathe deeply, relax and enjoy your yoga.
Thrive Yoga does not offer medical advice and does not accept liability for any damage or any injury caused whilst using the videos – you participate at your own risk.