Sowing Hardy Annual Seeds Part 2

Hi there, I hope you've enjoyed this lovely sunny week. I thought you might like to see how things are going with the seeds I sowed last week - here's a short video...

This weekend I've been mostly tidying, weeding and preparing the flower beds for when I can plant out the seedlings - I can't quite believe how organised I am! I'm usually in India sitting on a beach or sweating it out in a vigorous yoga class right about now but, of course, not this year, so I'm putting the time to good use and getting ahead, ready for the planting bonanza that usually catches me out later in the spring.

If you don't want to sow your seeds in trays and have them growing on a windowsill indoors you can always sow straight into the flower bed. You can prepare the ground now, weeding it and forking it over so it's a crumbly consistency to make it easy for the seedlings to push up to the light, but you need to wait for the ground to warm up before you actually sow the seeds - aim for the end of March or beginning of April.

As we move into March, carry on sowing your Hardy Annuals. Remember, once they've germinated get them outside into a cold-frame or protected space so they toughen up, and don't let them dry out.