Kneeling and Seated Sequence - May 2023

Duration: 33 minutes

Emphasis:  This class features the repetitive movements of Cat Pose (Marjaryasana) and Cow Pose (Bitilasana) followed by some variations of Half Side Arm Balance (Ardha Vasisthasana). You'll then move from hands and knees to sitting for Head to Knee Pose (Janu Sirsasana) and into another variation of Ardha Vasisthasana known as Stargazer Pose. Easy Twist (Parivrtta Sukhasana), Embryo Pose (Garba Pindasana) and Star Pose (Tarasana), plus of course Savasana, bring the practice to a close.

Props needed: A blanket to kneel on if required.

Mat direction: Short edge of the mat facing the screen.

Please note: This class was filmed in a different room and I had some problems with the camera not being able to focus properly. I have edited to the best of my ability and hope that the focus issues (which seemed to happen when lying in Savasana mostly) don't affect your practice and you still enjoy the class.

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